About me and ChatPT
The need for ChatPT
Simply Put Artificial intelligence (A.I) will make this service the industry standard in the next few years. It's important to me that personal training remains personal and between humans. (A.I) doesn't understand pain or exertion at least not through experience, I do.
(A.I) does not understand meaning. It simply understands concepts and mathematical algorithms, but maths is not the territory (A.I) cannot get wet. If we go running in the rain we get wet. There is a massive difference between theory and practice.
Goals of ChatPT
Provide affordable information, that is personal and actionable for clients.
Provide a balance of information on fitness and exercise for clients who are caught between poor training advice online, in gyms, magazines and technology.
The consultation is designed to be just that: a chat between me and you. That chat can be anything you want it to be. You can spend twenty minutes asking me questions, I can advise you regarding form, exercise selection, create a programme that suits your needs, or anything else you can think of. For example, if you are not growing your pectoral muscles (chest) but your deltoids (shoulders) are growing too much, I'd advise you to do floor presses, as they take the pressure of the shoulders and allows isolation of the chest muscles. That's simple information but invaluable if that's your issue.
The consultation is 20 minutes for £20 but I call it 20 for 20.
I ask you to fill in the ParQ, from the Par-Q section at the top of the website. Fill in the form, it takes about two minutes. When you've filled it out press send prior to your consultation. This will give me a detailed picture of your health and well-being, and it will allow me to make all my advice specific to your training needs.